Dynapost has created customized video surveillance solutions for a wide range of businesses. Through close relationships with our overseas partners, we can offer advanced solutions to your growing security needs, and give you the tools to manage your home or business more effectively. We strongly believe that adding video surveillance technology is a valued investment in your home or business.

Why Do You Need a Security Camera System?

Department stores, shops and larger offices benefit the most from a security camera system. These types of businesses have people entering and exiting the facility on a daily/hourly basis. Because there are so many people involved, it is hard to keep tabs on what’s going on.

Proper security is critical in helping operations run smoothly and keeping buildings safe. Proper surveillance acts as a deterrent and can help answer many questions when a theft or break-in occurs. Having a video surveillance system allows you to keep tabs on what is going on.

Video surveillance systems can also save businesses money by streamlining security. Hiring enough security guards to keep tabs on merchandise and people can be expensive. Security systems make it possible to do the job of several security officers, all from one location. This saves you money in personnel costs.

Surveillance systems are also growing in popularity with homes and residential neighborhoods. Setting up a security system in a home is easy. Because you are not home all day, it can be difficult to keep an eye on your house. A camera can help do this for you. Our customers also use security cameras to keep an eye on children, babysitters, nannies and other household employees. This helps give you peace of mind.


Retailers Say Shoplifting Is on the Rise

The old image of the solo shoplifter is being replaced by a new one where organized gangs of thieves are becoming trouble for retailers.

The Bergen County Record reports that shoplifting gangs are a growing problem and are contributing to the billions retailers lose from shoplifting. Retailer statistics show shoplifters are responsible for almost $17.2 billion of the $42 billion stolen from retailers last year, up from $10.2 billion in 2001.

There’s been a huge increase in organized theft” Nancy Jones, director of loss prevention for Pennsylvania-based Giant Food Stores, told the Record. “It has mushroomed in the last seven to eight years.”

Nearly half the losses from shoplifting have been at supermarkets and other food stores. Some thieves simply walk out of stores with stolen goods. Others turn to identity theft to obtain a credit card and then use that to purchase gift cards to purchase merchandise, says Frank Muscato, a member of Wal-Mart Stores’ national Investigative Task Force.


Study Says Employee Theft Has Risen in Retail Stores

While shoplifting and employee mistakes contribute to more than $31 billion in retail losses each year, employee theft accounts for nearly half of the problem, according to an expert who spoke June 4 at retail industry event in San Antonio.

About 1,200 retail executives who attended the National Retail Federation’s loss prevention conference heard Richard Hollinger, co-author of the 2002 National Retail Security Survey, discuss how to combat the growing theft problem. He added that employee theft has risen since the last survey.

The theft survey, released in November, relies on 2001 data from 118 responding firms. It reported an average loss of 1.7 percent of total sales, slightly lower than the previous year’s rate of 1.8 percent. Stores that had higher loss percentages include jewelry, children and women’s apparel and drug stores.

The National Retail Federation estimates that shoplifting cost retailers $8.45 billion in 2000. Sales of retail stores in 2002 were estimated at $3.6 trillion.

Members of the Retail Federation represent an industry that includes more than 1.4 million U.S. retail stores and employs more than 20 million people — about one in five workers. The loss prevention conference is a way for National Retail Federation members to learn about theft trends in the industry, new technology and strategies to lessen stealing.